Saturday, December 24, 2011

What role does the Skulls(a secret society of influential men) actually play in our government?

Our current president is a member of this society..The Brotherhood of Death Society in the United States is the Skull and Bones

Society in Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Its belief structure is identical

to that of the Thule Society. Therefore, we can conclude that Bones Men affirm this

belief about Jesus Christ, thus condemning them to committing the Unpardonable

Sin. The list of some of the Families comprising Skull and Bones is frightening, for


it immediately shows the extent to which America has been influenced by this

Satanic organization. Remember, the men of these families have likely committed

the Unpardonable Sin. (Quoting from Antony Sutton, "America's Secret

Establishment", p. 22).

Rockefeller Family (Standard Oil), Weyerhaeuser Family (Lumber), Sloane Family

(Retailing), Pillsbury Family (Flour Milling), J.P. Morgan Family (Banking), Taft

Family (Politics), Bush Family, including former President George Bush.|||very interesting.

I think it just makes old men feel like they still have a tree house to hang out in.|||This is just a small part of a much grander scheme.

Check out The Bilderberg Society and the Freemasons or the Illuminati and New World Order.

They all go hand in hand and it goes all the way back to The Knights Templar.|||We are always at war. War is gains and changes that are needed and made.|||a huge role.and the previous comment is correct,Kerry is also a member.Clinton too,i is not confined to any one party.these are the people that make world decisions.the general public will never know exactly how much power they hold,but they are very much in charge.the bilderberg group is another example.we have no idea what kind of subjects are spoken on in those meetings and we never will.i belive there has to be that one group who can make these difficult world decisions,things the general public does not need to be involved in.but,what happens when these people make the mistakes that have been made recently?who holds them accountable?|||Grandpa Bush was a member as well. So is John Kerry. I think Kerry was hand picked so he could throw the election so George Jr. would be assured a second term.|||It is Skull and Bones! You will find a good read on the subject on|||Ask Vince Foster. Oh wait you can't.|||How secret is this Skulls group if I have heard a about it for the last 7 years. They can't be to influential since they can't even keep their secret group a secret.|||I don't know. It's highly secretive.|||Before you go on. John Kerry is a member also. Check out his Yale Bio....


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